Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 1 |
Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 2 |
3. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 3: Dev Operation
and Mo |
4. Electrical Engineering 140 - Make up for Lecture 5:
Multi-Tx |
5. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 7: Active Loads:
1-Tx a |
6. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 8: Current
Sources |
7. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 9: High Swing
Current S |
8. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 10: Current
Source Matc |
9. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 11: Op Amps:
Diff. Pair |
10. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 12: Pair Anal.
& O |
11. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 13: Op Amps:
Finite Gai |
12. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 15: Op Amps:
Swing, Com |
13. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 17:
Compensation: Stabi |
14. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 18: Output
Stages |
15. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 19: Stabiltiy |
16. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 20:
Noarrowboarding Vs Pole Splitting |
17. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 21: Choosing
the Compensation Capacitor |
18. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 22: CMOS Op Amp
Compensation |
19. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 23: Practical
Compensation |
20. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 24: Slew Rate,
Setting Time and PSRR |
21. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 25: Feedback
Configurations |
22. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 26: Feedback
Impedance |
23. Electrical Engineering 140 - Lecture 27: Conclusion |