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Friday 22 April 2016

Optical Communication

  1. Plot characteristic of LED
  2. Plot characteristic of LASER diode 
  3. Plot characteristic of Photo Diode 
  4. Plot characteristic of Avalanche Photo Diode 
  5. Establish Analog communication optical link 
  6. Establish Digital communication optical link 
  7. Measure N.A of optical Fiber 
  8. Build and test LED drive circuit 
  9. Analog Transmitter Receiver 
  10. Digital Transmitter Receiver

Circuit Design and Tools



Tuesday 19 April 2016

Developing Games With Ruby

By Tomas Varaneckas
Once there was a boy who fell in love with this magical device that could bring things to life inside a glaring screen. He spent endless hours exploring imaginary worlds, fighting strange creatures, shooting pixelated spaceships, racing boxy cars. The boy kept pondering. "How is this made? I want to create my own worlds...".

Then he discovered programming. "I can finally do it!" - he thought. And he tried. And failed. Then he tried harder. He failed again and again. He was too naive to realize that those worlds he was trying to create were too sophisticated, and his knowledge was too limited. He gave up creating those worlds.

Data Flow Diagramming by Example Process Modeling Techniques for Requirements Elicitation

by Tom Hathaway
A Data Flow Diagram (DFD) is a phenomenal tool for visualizing and analyzing dependencies and interactions amongst manual and automated business processes. In today’s wired world, software applications often take center stage in optimizing workflow  and increasing productivity. Unfortunately, the process of delivering the right software to the right people at the right time is challenging to say the least. DFDs are powerful tools for recognizing and eliminating two of the major problems that haunt IT projects, namely Scope Creep and Project Overruns caused by late project change requests.

This eBook explains what a DFD is, why you need one, and how to create it. You will learn the benefits of process visualization for the business community, for the one wearing the BA hat, for those tasked with developing the solution, and ultimately for the entire organization.

Start & Run a Computer Repair Service

by Philip Spry
Start & Run a Computer Repair Service is ideal for entrepreneurs interested in opening and operating a computer repair shop and/or mobile on-site repair business. Professionals with a background in IT, retail, and related fields are often interested in branching out on their own. This book examines the nuts and bolts of starting a business in the North America, then delves into the specifics of retail and mobile repair shop ownership and operation.

Computer Hacking: A beginners guide to computer hacking, how to hack, internet skills, hacking techniques, and more

by Joe Benton
Computer hacking is an extremely powerful skill to have. This book focuses on ethical hacking - also known as white hat hacking.
Inside, you will learn the basics of hacking for beginners.
This includes the different types of hacking, the reasons behind hacking, jobs in the hacking world, how to do some basic hacks, and the skills a hacker requires.

Many hackers are hired by companies to ensure that their computer systems are safe. There is high paying ethical work available in the hacking world, and this book will serve as an introduction to getting you there.

While becoming a master at hacking can take many years and lots of expensive software, this book will introduce you to the amazing world of hacking, and open your eyes up to what is possible!

Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn About...
What Is Ethical Hacking Hacking Basics Types Of Hacking Hacking Software How Passwords Are Cracked How To Hack Wifi Network Hacking Basics Much, much more! 

Friday 8 April 2016


D S Malik
in this new fifth edition, author D.S. Malik continues to employ his student-focused, example-based methodology to teach C++ Programming to introductory computing students. Changes to this edition include new debugging sections in each chapter and a multitude of new and updated exercises. All syntax is explained thoroughly and reinforced through extensive examples and diagrams. Each chapter is full of helpful self-study tools, such as complete programming examples. C++ PROGRAMMING: FROM PROBLEM ANALYSIS TO PROGRAM DESIGN, FIFTH EDITION will motivate to students to understand the "why?" behind key C++ concepts.

Build Your Own Electric Vehicle

Seth Leitman, Bob Brant
“Empowering people with the tools to convert their own vehicles provides an immediate path away from petroleum dependence and should be part of the solutions portfolio.” – Chelsea Sexton, Co-founder, Plug In America and featured in Who Killed the Electric Car?

“Create a superior driving experience, strengthen America, and restore the planet’s ecosystems...that’s the promise of this book and it’s well worth a read!” – Josh Dorfman, Founder & CEO – Vivavi, Modern Green Furniture Store; Author, The Lazy Environmentalist: Your Guide to Easy, Stylish, Green Living.

This new, updated edition of Build Your Own Electric Vehicle contains everything that made the first edition so popular while adding all the technological advances and new parts that are readily available on the market today.

Build Your Own Electric Vehicle gets on the expressway to a green, ecologically sound, cost-effective way that even can look cool, too!

This comprehensive how-to goes through the process of transforming an internal combustion engine vehicle to electric or even building an EV from scratch for as much or even cheaper than purchasing a traditional car. The book describes each component in detail---motor, battery, controller, charger, and chassis---and provides step-by-step instructions on how to put them all together.

Build a Security Culture

Kai Roer
Protect your organisation by building a security-minded culture "With this book, Kai Roer has taken his many years of cyber experience and provided those with a vested interest in cyber security a firm basis on which to build an effective cyber security training programme." Dr. Jane LeClair Chief Operating Officer National Cybersecurity Institute, Washington, D.C. Human nature - easy prey for hackers? Human behaviour is complex and inconsistent, making it a rich hunting ground for would-be hackers and a significant risk to the security of your organisation . An effective way to address this risk is to create a culture of security. Using the psychology of group behaviour and explaining how and why people follow social and cultural norms, the author highlights the underlying cause for many successful and easily preventable attacks. An effective framework for behavioural security In this book Kai Roer presents his Security Culture Framework, and addresses the human and cultural factors in organisational security. The author uses clear, everyday examples and analogies to reveal social and cultural triggers that drive human behaviour . He explains how to manage these threats by implementing an effective framework for an organisational culture, ensuring that your organisation is set up to repel malicious intrusions and threats based on common human vulnerabilities. Contents What is security culture? The Elements of security culture How does security culture relate to