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Tuesday 19 April 2016

Developing Games With Ruby

By Tomas Varaneckas
Once there was a boy who fell in love with this magical device that could bring things to life inside a glaring screen. He spent endless hours exploring imaginary worlds, fighting strange creatures, shooting pixelated spaceships, racing boxy cars. The boy kept pondering. "How is this made? I want to create my own worlds...".

Then he discovered programming. "I can finally do it!" - he thought. And he tried. And failed. Then he tried harder. He failed again and again. He was too naive to realize that those worlds he was trying to create were too sophisticated, and his knowledge was too limited. He gave up creating those worlds.

What he didn't give up is writing code for this magical device. He realized he isn't smart enough to create worlds, yet he found out he could create simpler things like small applications - web, desktop, server side or whatnot. Few years later he found himself getting paid to make those.

Applications got increasingly bigger, they spanned across multiple servers, integrated with each other, became pats of huge infrastructures. The boy, now a grown man, was all into it. It was fun and challenging enough to spend over 10000 hours learning and building what others wanted him to build.

Some of these things were useful, some where boring and pointless. Some were never finished. There were things he was proud of, there were others that he wouldn't want to talk about, nonetheless everything he built made him a better builder. Yet he never found the time, courage or reason to build what he really wanted to build since he was a little boy - his own worlds.

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