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Monday, 24 August 2015

Ground Water Hydrology

1. Introduction : Ground Water (GW) Utilization and Historical Background
2. Ground Water in Hydrologic Cycle (Contd.), Ground Water Budget
3. Ground water Level Fluctuations and Environmental Influence (Contd.) Literature
4. Ground Water :Literature/Data/Internet Sources
5. Occurrence and Movement of Ground Water : Origin and Age of Ground Water,
6. Zones of Aeration and Saturation; Aquifers and their characteristics/classification
7. Aquifer Classification (Contd.), Ground water Basins and Springs; Dorcy's Law;
8. Determination of Permeability :Heterogeneity and Anisotropy
9. Ground Water (GW) flowrates and flow directions; general flow equations
10. General Flow Equations Through Porous Media (Contd.), Dupuit's Assumptions
11. 1-D Unconfined Ground water Flows; Steady Flow into Wells
12. Well Flow for Special Conditions; Partially Penetrating Wells; Horizontal Wells
13. Well Completion;Well Development; Well Protection; Well Rehabilitation;
14. Well Protection/Rehabilitation/Testing for yield (Contd.); Artificial Ground
15. Concept and methods of Artificial Ground Water Recharge (Contd.); Recharge Mounds
16. Induced Recharge (Contd.); Wastewater recharge for reuse; Water spreading
17. Surface Investigation of ground water (Contd.):Electrical resistivity
18. Seismic refraction/gravity/magnetic methods (Contd.);Sub-surface investigation
19. Sub-surface investigation of ground water (Contd.): Geographical/resistivity/
20. Radiation method of logging (Contd.); Temperature/caliper/fluid conductivity/fluid
21. Saline Water Intrusion in Aquifers:Occurence, Features affecting aquifers
22. Saline Water Intrusion in Aquifers : Bodon - Ghyben - Hergberg principle (Contd.)
23. Saline Water Intrusion in Aquifers : Analytical Solution of Saline Water
24. Saline Water Intrusion in Aquifers : Geochemical Investigations
25. Modeling and Management of Ground Water - Ground Water Simulation Models, Ground Water
26. Modeling and Management of Ground Water : Ground Water Management Model : Confined
27. Modeling and Management of Ground Water : Contaminant Source
28. Modeling and Management of Ground Water : Aquifer Yield and Ground Water Availability
29. Modeling and Management of Ground Water : Conjunctive Surface - Subsurface Modeling
30. Modeling and Management of Ground Water : Ground Water - Surface Water Interaction
31. Pollution and Quality Analysis of Ground Water : Sources of Pollution
32. Ground Water Pollution from Industrial, Agricultural and Miscellaneous Sources
33. Ground Water Pollution from Miscellaneous Sources (Contd.), Attenuation
34. Potential Evaluation of Ground water Pollution; Physical/Chemical/Biological analysis
35. Ground water salinity and samples ;Graphical representations of ground water quality
36. Graphical representations of ground water quality (Contd.), SURFACE/SUB-SURFACE
37. Steady Flow into Wells (Contd.); Unsteady Flow into Wells
38. Unsteady Flow into Wells (Contd.)
39. Unsteady Radial Flow in Confined and Unconfined Aquifers
40. Unsteady Radial Flow in Leaky Aquifers (Contd.); Well Flow Near Aquifer Boundaries