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Monday, 24 August 2015
Principles of Digital Communication Course 1
Lecture 1 - Introduction to digital communication
Lecture 2 - Discrete source encoding
Lecture 3 - Memory-less sources
Lecture 4 - Entropy and asymptotic equipartition property
Lecture 5 - Markov sources and Lempel-Ziv universal codes
Lecture 6 - Quantization
Lecture 7 - High rate quantizers and waveform encoding
Lecture 8 - Fourier Series
Lecture 9 - Discrete-time fourier transforms
Lecture 10 - Degrees of freedom
Lecture 11 - Signal space
Lecture 12 - Nyquist theory
Lecture 13 - Random processes
Lecture 14 - Gaussian random vectors white Gaussian noise (WGN)
Lecture 15 - Linear functionals and filtering of random processes
Lecture 16 - Introduction to detection
Lecture 17 - Detection for random vectors and processes
Lecture 18 - Theorem of irrelevance
Lecture 19 - Baseband detection and complex Gaussian processes
Lecture 20 - Introduction of wireless communication
Lecture 21 - Doppler spread
Lecture 22 - Discrete-time baseband models for wireless channels
Lecture 23 - Rrayleigh fading and incoherent channels
Lecture 24 - Code division multiple access (CDMA)
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