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Monday, 24 August 2015
Digital Signal Processing
Lec-1 Discrete Time Signal and System
Lec-2 Discrete Time Signal and System(Contd...)
Lec-3 Discrete Time Signal and System(Contd...)
Lec-4 Frequency Domain Representation of Discrete Signals
Lec-5 Z-Transform
Lec-6 Z-Transform(Contd...)
Lec-7 Solution of Difference Equation
Lec-8 Tutorial on Discrete Time Signals&Their Transforms
Lec-9 Relation Between Discrete Time and Continuous Signals
Lec-10 Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)
Lec-11 Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) Contd...
Lec-12 Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) Contd...
Lec-13 State Space Representation
Lec-14 Filters Introduction
Lec-15 FIR Filters
Lec-16 FIR Filters(Contd.) Introduction to IIR Filters
Lec-17 IIR Filters(Contd...)
Lec-18 IIR Filters(Contd...)
Lec-19 IIR Filters(Contd...)
Lec-20 Tutorial&Introduction to Computer Aided Design of Fil
Lec-21 Computer Aided Design of Filters
Lec-22 FFT and Computer Aided Design of Filters
Lec-23 Introduction to Lattice Filter
Lec-24 Lattice Filter(Contd...)
Lec-25 Effects of Quantization
Lec-26 Effects of Quantization(Contd...)
Lec-27 Effects of Quantization(Contd...)
Lec-28 Effects of Quantization(Contd...)
Lec-29 Random Signals
Lec-30 Relationship Between Real and Imaginary Parts of DTFT
Lec-31 Relationship Between Real and Imaginary Parts of DTFT
Lec-32 Relationship Between Real and Imaginary Parts of DTFT
Lec-33 Multi rate Signal Processing
Lec-34 Multi rate Signal Processing(Contd...)
Lec-35 Polyphase Decomposition
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