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Saturday, 22 August 2015

Digital Signal Processing

Lecture 1 - Digital Signal Processing Introduction

Lecture 2 - Digital Signal Processing Introduction Contd

Lecture 3 - Digital Systems

Lec 4 - Characterization Description,Testing of Digital Syst

Lecture - 5 LTI Systems Step & Impulse Responses,Convolution

Lecture - 6 Inverse Systems,Stability,FIR & IIR

Lecture - 7 FIR & IIR; Recursive & Non Recursive

Lecture - 8 Discrete Time Fourier Transform

Lecture - 9 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

Lecture - 10 DFT (Contd.)

Lecture - 11 DFT (Contd.) Introduction to Z Transform

Lecture - 12 Z Transform

Lecture - 13 Z Transform (Contd.)

Lecture - 14 Discrete Time Systems in the Frequency Domain

Lecture - 15 Simple Digital Filters

Lecture - 16 All Pass Filters,Com.Filters

Lecture - 17 Linear Phase filters,Complementary Transfer Fn

Lecture - 18 Compensatary Transfer Functions, (Contd.),

Lecture - 19 Test for Stability using All Pass Functions

Lecture - 20 Digital Processing of Continuous Time Signals

Lecture - 21 Problem Solving Session: FT, DFT,& Z Transforms

Lecture - 22 Problem Solving Session: FT,DFT, & Z Transforms

Lecture - 23 Analog Filter Design

Lecture - 24 Analog Chebyshev LPF Design

Lecture - 25 Analog Filter Design (Contd.): Transformations

Lecture - 26 Analog frequency Transformation;

Lecture - 27 Problem Solving Session on Discrete Time System

Lecture - 28 Digital Filter Structures

Lecture - 29 IIR Realizations

Lecture - 30 All Pass Realizations

Lecture - 31 Lattice Synthesis (Contd.)

Lecture - 32 FIR Lattice Synthesis

Lecture - 33 FIR Lattice (Contd.) and Digital Filter Design

Lecture - 34 IIR Filter Design

Lecture - 35 IIR Design by Bilinear Transformation

Lecture - 36 IIR Design Examples

Lecture 37 - Digital to Digital Frequency Transformation

Lecture 38 - FIR Design

Lecture - 39 FIR Digital Filter Design by Windowing

Lecture - 40 FIR Design by Windowing & Frequency Sampling

Lecture 41 - Solving Problems on DSP Structures

Lecture 42 - FIR Design by Frequency Sampling

Lecture - 43 FIR Design by Frequency Sampling (Contd.)