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Monday, 24 August 2015

Concrete Engineering and Technology

1. Introduction and course overview
2. Constituents of concrete
3. Constituents of concrete I
4. Admixtures in concrete -- mineral and chemical
5. Hydration of cement
6. Basic properties of concrete
7. Proportioning of concrete mixes
8. Proportioning of concrete mixes
9. Proportioning of concrete mixes
10. Pores and porosity in concrete
11. Porosimetry -- measuring pores in concrete
12. Principles of quality control in concrete construction
13. Quality control and acceptance criteria for concrete based on compressive strength
14. Fibre reinforced concrete
15. High strength concrete
16. Mass concrete
17. Mass concrete I
18. Concreting in cold weather
19. Concreting in hot weather I
20. Roller compacted concrete
21. Self-compacting concrete
22. Testing self-compacting concrete
23. Shotcrete and underwater concrete
24. Alkali -- aggregate reaction
25. Alkali -- aggregate reaction I
26. Reinforcement corrosion in concrete
27. Chloride penetration in concrete
28. Using epoxy-coated bars in concrete structures
29. Using FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures
30. Using FRP as reinforcement in concrete structures i
31. Grouting and importance of formwork in concrete construction
32. Carbonation and freezing & thawing in concrete structures
33. Using recycled aggregates in concrete construction
34. Basic non-destructive testing for concrete structures
35. Measuring permeability in concrete
36. Some additional topics
37. Considerations in repair of concrete structures
38. Considerations in repair of concrete structures I
39. Laboratory demonstration
40. Review of the course
41. Geotechnical Measurements & Explorations