1 Introduction to VHDL.
2 How to work in xilinx 13.3
3 To study VHDL entities and coding styles
4 To implement various basic logic gates using VHDL
5 To implement various universal logic gates using VHDL.
6 To implement Multiplexer using VHDL.
7 To implement Flip Flop using VHDL.
8 To implement Full adder and Half adder using VHDL.
9 To implement Decoder using VHDL.
10 To implement Encoder using VHDL.
2 How to work in xilinx 13.3
3 To study VHDL entities and coding styles
4 To implement various basic logic gates using VHDL
5 To implement various universal logic gates using VHDL.
6 To implement Multiplexer using VHDL.
7 To implement Flip Flop using VHDL.
8 To implement Full adder and Half adder using VHDL.
9 To implement Decoder using VHDL.
10 To implement Encoder using VHDL.